
How to Make Your Brand Memorable on Social Media

Social media marketing, when done right, could really boost a business. It entails lower costs, has global reach and great potential to generate buzz. Take advantage of social media’s power by making your brand memorable. How do you do this? Here are some tips:

Do something that is “share-worthy”

You can use your Facebook or Twitter page in creating promos, contests and other gimmicks that people can remember and will love to share to their respective networks. Create a vehicle where people can have a great time knowing about your brand. Offer something that people can’t resist such as discounts, give-aways and freebies. Social media can build & strengthen relationships between your business and your fans, so make sure to create something “grand” with it.

 Converse with your fans/ followers

Social media marketing is all about engagement. When you’re just focused on publishing contents without taking time to listen to what your fans or followers are saying, then you’re making a mistake.  Another no-no is to use social media as a means to hard sell or talk about your business ALL the time. Instead, post something that’s relevant to your fans and followers—something that they can like, share, re-tweet or comment on.

Ride on the wings of the “popular” in social media

What are the viral videos today? What are the popular commercials? Take advantage of their popularity by creating something “similar.” Take the example of Red Mango’s launch of the Honey Badger flavor last summer. The founder of Red Mango rode on the popularity of a viral video entitled Crazy Nasty Honey Badger, and named its latest offering “Honey Badger.” This strategy worked well for Red Mango because people who recognized the video took pictures of the yogurt in stores and posted on their social media pages. After gaining enough buzz online, Red Mango created its very own Honey Badger video, which further made the Honey Badger flavour a top seller of the franchise.

When it comes to social media marketing, always remember to think about what your fans or followers will like, and do not hesitate to create something that’s out of the box. Make social media work for your brand and see your business reach new heights!

If you need help in your social media marketing efforts, just contact us. We offer quality services to help you build and grow your business.