
Marketing to Busy People Who Don’t Have Time to Read

Nowadays, with the advent of the Internet, information is easily distributed and accessed. One of the downsides, however, is that people tend to feel that they’re being bombarded with lots of information and would prefer to ignore the marketing messages sent their way. Given this, it is important that you take steps in ensuring that your marketing message doesn’t get lost in the noise. How do you do this? Be effective in your “storytelling.” Here are some tips that you should consider, which are results of the study done by LookBookHQ, a content marketing company:

1. Opt to show, not tell.

According to their study, press releases which contain multimedia elements get 77% more responses as compared to those with just text. Furthermore, blog posts which contain videos are linked to 3 times more than those which purely contain texts.

2. Make information easily read and understood.

Nowadays, most people are so busy in their fast-paced lifestyle such that most of them (approximately 79%) just scan the online content instead of reading it word for word. You should thus avoid publishing information which are too content-heavy and opt for easily digested materials instead.

3. Create catchy headlines.

Given that most people just scan content, you need to have headlines which will immediately get their attention. Your headlines and opening statements should make them want to read more!.

4. Make your stories personal.

Remember that personal stories about real people and situations stand out from among the thousands of marketing messages that are sent out daily. Put a “heart” to your message by making it personal. What you’re saying should have an impact to your target market and readers.

5. Package your content.

Instead of distributing your videos, images and text separately, package them all together in order to create a more powerful and relevant marketing message.

Do you have any concern when it comes to marketing your products or services? Feel free to contact us today.