
On Building Websites

You may be aware by now that a bad website drives away customers and revenue, and a good one boosts a business. Therefore, when you’re self-employed and you don’t have the time and knowledge to develop a website, hiring the right people or outsourcing the task are your smart options.

So who should you look for when you want to build a website for your business? Here’s a list:

  • Web Designer

This person determines your website architecture, web navigation process, the layout, contents and colors. Oftentimes, this person is also knowledgeable in programming and graphic design. Otherwise, you should also look for people who could perform said tasks.

  •  Graphic Designer

This is the artist who creates the actual graphics, images and layouts needed for your site.

  •  Copywriter

If you can’t write the contents yourself, or if your web designer is not skilled in writing, you may also look for this person. A copywriter sets the tone of your site by creating contents which should engage your online audience.

  •  Web Programmer

Once the design is done, the web programmer makes the site work by doing the necessary technical stuff. This person also works in the backend to ensure that your website works just fine.

  •  Online Marketing Consultant

This consultant assists you on how to use the website for your marketing efforts. This person may also be knowledgeable in SEO and social media marketing.

When looking for the right people, do not forget to take a look at their portfolio and see if they are the right fit for you. You may also search for some feedback from their past or present clients. Here is a checklist which could further guide you.

Always remember that your website is crucial for the success of your business. You should be smart in choosing your partners.