
Understanding Mobile Commerce: The Future of Online Shopping

Since a few years back, mobile commerce (also referred to as m-commerce) has always been called the “next big thing.” As the digital marketplace moves further into advancement, we witness a progression in the face of our handy smartphones. Today, you’ll rarely see any brand that isn’t yet accessible on mobile. Going online means being available across all devices, whether on a desktop ...

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Why Outsourcing Customer Service Is Good for Business

Help Desk, Technical, Live Chat, and Customer Service Hotline – these are the most common streams where businesses should focus on delivering desirable results to their customers that will ultimately lead to conversion, sales, or repeat purchase. Engaging your customers appropriately is one way you will know their needs and in return, be able to provide the necessary support and response and ...

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How to Start and Run a Successful E-commerce Business

Launching a brick-and-mortar business is no easy feat, but so is starting an eCommerce brand (no matter how easy it may sound). Several challenges come with establishing your own company in the digital world. It can be disheartening at times, but those mountains haven’t stopped entrepreneurs from becoming their bosses. With the internet as accessible as ever, launching businesses has become ...

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Why the Philippines is the Best Place to Outsource Your Business Needs

The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Sector of the Philippines has announced that the multi-billion dollar industry now employs a million people since its inception in the early 1990s. The BPO Industry has anchored itself as a huge contributor in the Philippine economy since 2004 after posting a whopping $1.5 billion in revenues with only 103,500 employees. Not only that, predictions abound ...

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